Guy Carnegie

Islands Lotto

Helping to shape Jersey's own online Instant Win revolution

Islands Lotto represented a completely new and independently run lotto-style online Jersey lottery unlike anything that had been available to Island residents before. I was asked to design the logo for ‘Jackpot 6’ – the signature lotto draw, much like the UK’s National Lottery, where players choose six numbers to play from a pool of 3. I also designed and animated the initial range of online HTML5 Instant Win Games, delivering top prizes from £1,000 to £75,000. 

Working with brands old & new

A game design from scratch means free reign when it comes to branding, and while this means creative freedom for something like a game logo, it’s often celebrated brands such as Monopoly, Cluedo and Pirate of the Caribbean that pose the most challenges. One needs kid gloves to be true to something that is so familiar to so many.

Engaging players in a whole process

A big requirement of instant win gaming is to quickly capture the attention of a player. A representation of a game needs to sit harmoniously with many others, but stand out enough to either evoke nostalgia or create curiosity.

Responding to the times

My time with The National Lottery has seen instant win games go from the first tiny Flash-based browser ‘click-to-wins’, to fully responsive HTML5 creations. The aesthetics of a game remain the same, if not easier in terms of scale, but animations require a completely different approach.